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Author Topic: Modifying et_demo_osem "Reconstruction of SPECT"
Posts: 3
Post Modifying et_demo_osem "Reconstruction of SPECT"
on: March 30, 2015, 23:16


I try to reconstruct a SPECT image using et_demo_osem. I don't know if I am on the right track. Instead of loading activity.nii I load my SPECT-image of the Brain. My SPECT image consists of 128x128x384, in which only the first 128 out of the 384 is in the view with the correct energy. In other words the rest is scatter I guess.
So far the code runs without errors but the reconstructed image does not look as I expected.

N = 128;
N_projections = 128;
cameras = linspace(0,2*pi,N_projections)';
%cameras = 2; The SPECT machine has two cameras?
psf = ones(5,5,N);
N_counts = 50e6;

iter_mlem = 50;
subset_order = 32;
GPU = 1;

phantom_type = 0; % 0 for 'brain FDG PET'; 1 for sphere in uniform background; 2 for spiral

%% Initialise plot
figure(1); subplot(2,3,1); image(zeros(N,N)); colormap gray; axis square off tight;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,2); image(zeros(N,N)); colormap gray; axis square off tight;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,3); image(zeros(N,N)); colormap gray; axis square off tight;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,4); image(zeros(N,N)); colormap gray; axis square off tight;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,5); image(zeros(N,N)); colormap gray; axis square off tight;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,6); image(zeros(N,N)); colormap gray; axis square off tight; pause(0.1);

%% Load or generate phantom
disp('Creating synthetic sinogram..');
%mask modifyed from placed in origo to placed so it fits the image
%mask = et_spherical_phantom(N,N,N,N*0.45,1,0,(N+1)/2,(N+1)/2,(N+1)/2);
mask = et_spherical_phantom(N,N,N,N*0.19,1,0,(N+1)/2,34,(N+1)/2);
if phantom_type == 0
phantom_file = 'BRAINTOMO.nii';
if not(exist(phantom_file,'file'))
fprintf('Synthetic data file %s cannot be found. \nPlease make sure that NiftyRec data is installed. \nIf NiftyRec was built and installed from the source code, \nrun CMake, enable the INCLUDE_DATA flag and run "make install".\n',phantom_file);
phantom = et_load_nifti(phantom_file);
phantom1= double(phantom.img);
%my Brain image has 384 projections, however I only use the first 128
%because it is the activity with "correct" energy.
phantom = phantom2 .* mask;
elseif phantom_type == 1
phantom = et_spherical_phantom(N,N,N,N/8,60,20,N/4,N/2,N/3) .* mask;
phantom = et_spiral_phantom(N,N,N*3,60,20,8,2,10,40,2) .* mask;
attenuation = 0;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,1); imagesc(squeeze(phantom(:,floor(N/2),:))); colormap gray; axis square off tight; pause(0.1);

%% Simulate SPECT scan
%I load my the sinogram (I use the same;
addpath('C:\Users\Christian Eschen\Dropbox\NiftyRec\niftyrec\matlab');
sinogram1=load_nii('C:\Users\Christian Eschen\Dropbox\NiftyRec\niftyrec\matlab\BRAINTOMO.nii');

%because 1:128 is the view with the right energy

disp('Visualising sinogram..');
for i=1:N_projections
figure(1); subplot(2,3,2); image(0.3*squeeze(sinogram(:,:,i))'); colormap gray; axis square off tight; pause(0.1);
if i<N/2
figure(1); subplot(2,3,3); image(0.3*squeeze(sinogram(:,i,:))); colormap gray; axis square off tight; pause(0.1);

%% Reconstruction:
activity = ones(N,N,N);
for i=1:iter_mlem
fprintf('\nMLEM step: %d',i);
activity = et_osmapem_step(subset_order, activity, sinogram, cameras, attenuation, psf, 0, 0, GPU, 0, 0.0001);
scale = 400;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,4); image(scale*squeeze(mask(:,floor(N/2),:).*activity(:,floor(N/2),:))); colormap gray; axis square off tight;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,5); image(scale*squeeze(mask(floor(N/2),:,:).*activity(floor(N/2),:,:))); colormap gray; axis square off tight;
figure(1); subplot(2,3,6); image(scale*squeeze(mask(:,:,floor(N/2)).*activity(:,:,floor(N/2))')); colormap gray; axis square off tight; pause(0.05);

%% Cleanup
if GPU

disp('MLEM Done');

I hope you can help
- Christian Eschen

Posts: 3
Post Re: Modifying et_demo_osem "Reconstruction of SPECT"
on: April 9, 2015, 15:02

Hi again

I am sorry if my question wasn't clear.
I use modifyed version of et_osem_demo, as it uses OSL algoritm in which Maximum likelyhood is changed into MAP estimation.

For a SPECT scanner with two camera heads with 128 projections. What parameters should I use?

cameras = linspace(0,2*pi,N_projections)';

How do I incorporate my information about my cameras? For example with two-headed camera system, in which two projections separated by 180 degree are recorded simultaneous. In some way I guess I have to create two vectors containing the information?

Point spread functiom
psf = ones(5,5,N);

At least. How do I include a priori for the reconstruction ?

How should I estimate that practical?

best regards

Posts: 22
Post Re: Modifying et_demo_osem "Reconstruction of SPECT"
on: April 9, 2015, 15:50

Hi Christian,

The function 'et_osmapem_step(subset_order, activity, sinogram, cameras, attenuation, psf, ..)' has a parameter 'cameras' and a parameter 'sinogram'.
The parameter 'sinogram' is 3-dimensional; sinogram(:,:,i) contains the photon counts measured by the planar gamma camera at the i-th position.
The parameter 'cameras' indicates the angular position, in radians, of the camera head at the i-th position.
More precisely, the parameter 'cameras' contains an array of scalars. The scalar at position i indicates the angular position, in radians, of the camera head for the data contained in sinogram(:,:,i).

For systems with two (or more) camera heads, you need to assemble 'sinogram' with the data from the two camera heads and to set values of 'cameras' according to the position of the camera heads for the measurements that you have stored in 'sinogram'.

It could be something like this:
Let's call the two camera heads A and B respectively. The angular position of A is:

camerasA = linspace(0,2*pi,N_projections)';

And the corresponding data is stored in sinogramA. The data for camera head B is stored in sinogramB.
The camera head B is rotated by 180 degrees with respect of A, then:

camerasB = linspace(0,2*pi,N_projections)' + pi/2;

Now concatenate the data and the

sinogram = cat(3, sinogramA, sinogramB);
cameras = cat(1, camerasA, camerasB);

Regarding the use of priors, the MLEM-One-Step-Late (OSL) algorithm allows you to use differentiable priors.
You can start by looking at et_demo_mapem_mrf.m, which uses a smoothing prior. In order to use other priors, you will have to replace
'prior_gradient' in line 56 with the derivative with respect to the activity of the logarithm of your prior of choice. How complicated it is to compute that derivative depends very much on which prior you decide to use.
I can help you if you open an issue specific for the prior that interests you.

Best regards,


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