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Author Topic: Undefined function make_3s_psfs
Posts: 1
Post Undefined function make_3s_psfs
on: February 18, 2015, 10:25

Dear all

I have recently installed NiftyRec, so new to it, and now I am running the demos.

Some of the demos go through without problems but with some of the demos I get errors.
Below is listed the "problematic" demos and the errors I get:

Undefined function 'make_3s_psfs' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in et_demo_spect_niftyrec_irt (line 38)
psf = make_3s_psfs(N_y, dx , obj2det, intrinsic, slope);

Creating synthetic sinogram..
Undefined function 'image_geom' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Error in et_project_irt (line 86)
ig = image_geom('nx', N_x, 'ny', N_y, 'nz', N_z, 'dx', dx, 'dz', dx);
Error in et_demo_compare_irt (line 47)
sinogram = et_project_irt(phantom, cameras, attenuation, psf);[/i]

MLEM step: 1Error using et_gradient_attenuation_mex
5,6,7 or 8 inputs required: Activity, Sinogram, Cameras, Attenuation, [PointSpreadFunction],
[EnableGpu], [Background], [BackgroundAttenuation], [TruncateNegativeValues]
Error in et_gradient_attenuation (line 86)
gradient = et_gradient_attenuation_mex(activity, sinogram, cameras, attenuation, psf, use_gpu,
background, background_attenuation, truncate_negative_values);
Error in et_demo_estimate_attenuation (line 71)
gradient =

>> et_demo_fisher_information
Undefined function 'make_3s_psfs' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in et_demo_fisher_information (line 19)
psfs = make_3s_psfs(N, 2.4 , 60*2.4, 3.0, 0.01);

>> et_demo_fisher_information_2D
Undefined function 'make_3s_psfs' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in et_demo_fisher_information_2D (line 21)
psfs = make_3s_psfs(N, 2.4 , 60*2.4, 3.0, 0.01);

>> et_demo_noise_instances
Creating synthetic sinogram..
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in et_demo_noise_instances (line 60)

this when 'which_phantom' is set to 0
If I set it to 1 I get the following

- Repetition 1/5, iteration 100/10000, 0.000 seconds for 1 MLEM iteration, 0:0:0 left
Error using save
Cannot create 'instance1_iter100.mat' because './out_64_ncat_2' does not exist.
Error in et_demo_noise_instances (line 83)
Error using save
Cannot create 'instance1_iter100.mat' because './out_64_ncat_2' does not exist.
Error in et_demo_noise_instances (line 83)

So it goes till - Repetition 1/5, iteration 100/10000, 0.000 seconds for 1 MLEM iteration, 0:0:0 left
but problems in saving

All of the other demos work fine.

Can there be a problem with the installation even tough the rest of the demos work?

Thank you for your help


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