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Author Topic: Installation problem in Windows with the packaged installer
Posts: 1
Post Installation problem in Windows with the packaged installer
on: January 24, 2014, 04:46

Win-64, Python 2.7.5 |Anaconda 1.8.0 (32-bit), NVidia NVS 5200M

Has anyone here successfully installed niftyrec in Windows using the installer and accessed it from Python? I'm just trying the non-CUDA version for now. The site suggests looking at the wiki page for extra tips but I'm getting Error 403: Forbidden when I try that. Is there useful information there or is everything contained in the downloadable pdf programmer manual/software guide? For now I'm relying on the pdf and looking at Python source code. After running the installer I have a NiftyRec folder in my Program Files with the include, lib etc. folders under that. I had to manually place the NiftyRec Python files in my Python site-packages, possibly because I'm using Anaconda Python which might break some installer assumption. Then attempting "from NiftyRec import NiftyRec" tells me to add the path to the NiftyRec libraries to my PATH, but the installer hasn't installed any dll's in NiftyRec\lib, just a whole lot of .lib files, so it is failing at this point.


Posts: 2
Post Re: Installation problem in Windows with the packaged installer
on: February 15, 2014, 17:43

I'm facing the same problem. I see the same problem -I don't have any DLL installed. I compiled self NiftyRec, but still the same problem. In the error message they suggest, the DLLs are usually in 'C:/Program files/NiftyRec/NiftyRec/lib', but I don't even have such directory. In 'C:/Program files/NiftyRec/lib' there are only LIB files, and the names begin with '_...', and the is looking for 'lib_...'. I was trying two versions: 1.6.9 and 1.6.8.
Did you gave up?

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