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Author Topic: Problem with GPU projection
Posts: 1
Post Problem with GPU projection
on: November 2, 2016, 21:40

I am having an issue using the software to run ot_demo_osem_2D.m . MATLAB returns the following error:

Error using et_project_mex
niftyrec: ERROR - gpu kernel execution error.

Error in et_project (line 91)
sinogram = et_project_mex(activity, cameras, attenuation, psf, use_gpu, background, background_attenuation, truncate_negative_values);

Error in et_demo_osem_2D (line 32)
ideal_sinogram = et_project(phantom, cameras, attenuation, psf, GPU);

I have no issues running et_demo_osem.m, which suggests that there must be some issue with the GPU computations when the activity has a singleton dimension. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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