Writers are always advised, "Avoid Cliches". But cliches prove to be a very desired and something of the most successful strategies in writing comedies. Cliches are quite often potential sources from where humour comes. Some popular cliches can be directly made as captions accompanying cartoons. It's possible to define a cliche as a predictable popular expression which has lost its freshness on account of overuse. Cliches are rampant in daily conversations amidst common people. It is therefore super easy to understand them and relate these to various situations in life.
Component of suspense is a vital and also the most important stimulant of laughter in the world of comedy. Humorists make use of cliche to lead the listeners through what is familiar and predictable to something that is unexpected and surprising. This ends up developing a heap of laughter. There are some good examples to understand using cliche in jokes.
Word play is one of the most popularly established techniques for comedies. Cartoon strips, sketches, stand-ups and TV sit-coms very extensively utilize word-play technique. In fact, there are some words that are inherently funny. For example, just the saying of words like "geezer", "fart" or "hippopotamus" can evoke a spurt of laughter.
Another type of comic effect can be developed by mispelling, misunderstanding or mispronouncing words. In such techniques, the laughter is created by double meanings and also the double entendre. In this way, manipulating words is really a powerful technique in comedy writing. During most all cases, words envision images that appear to be funny and lead to developing a good joke.
Humour could be constructed from various cliche tools including oxymorons, puns, similes, metaphors, bromides, jargons, aphorisms and malaprops in addition to a few of the famous tiles of movies, songs and novels.
There's another popular word play technique in creating jokes referred to as using the literal concept of a figure of speech. This could be also called as the simple truth or even the plain truth. For example, "call-me-a-taxi" joke is quite popular. Often we find children funny given that they speak the truth and end up creating pure innocent humour.
Pun is one another kind of cliché that may rather produce a lesser form of wit. Several humorists bare this technique on top of their list. Pun is definitely understood as well as on account of its popular usage and wide association. Puns can give rise to lots of funny ideas. Therefore, unlike writers, humorists never look down upon clichés and utilize them innovatively and extensively to attain humour.