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Many folks dream from a very young age of having beautiful, white teeth. This could become a reality for you. By following the right advice, it's possible to have the teeth you have always desired. These tips should help you get whiter teeth soon.

Make sure that your teeth are clean. It is the first step to obtaining beautiful white teeth. While hair dyes work well on slightly dirty hair, the whitening products need a clean plate on which to do their thing. Dirty teeth will present obstacles to the whitener, and you will end up with uneven shades of white and yellow on your teeth. Brushing your teeth and flossing thoroughly will prevent this from happening.

It is important to make sure you not only brush, but also floss your teeth at least twice per day. You want to prevent a plaque buildup because it can cause your teeth to become discolored. To keep plaque from sinking in overnight, floss thoroughly before you go to bed.

 Cut back on your soda intake. Soft drinks contain coloring that discolors and stains teeth. Some of the other chemicals in soft drinks can badly damage teeth enamel. As a result, stains will adhere to dental surfaces more easily. Whitening your teeth will be much harder if you insist on over-indulging in soft drinks.

Combine baking soda and water to create a paste which will help to whiten your teeth. Baking soda is a very mild abrasive that works to polish away stains, leaving your teeth bright white and ultra clean. You can wet your toothbrush and dip it into a bowl of baking soda, then brush as usual.

Although many people do not realize this, it can be harmful to apply hydrogen peroxide to your teeth in order to whiten them. In addition to not being safe for use, it can result in your teeth becoming more discolored, or they may end up being two different colors. Never use any whitening products that are made with hydrogen peroxide.

If you smoke and you'd like whiter teeth, quit smoking. Smoking stains the teeth and teeth whiteners are not as effective for smokers. The smoke stains may even be too tough for the whitener to fix. A total waste of money. The residue left on your teeth from smoking will quickly undo all of your teeth-whitening efforts.

Chew gum when you've finished your meals to make sure your teeth stay bright and white. You can buy some gum that is meant to help make your teeth white and bright. They have specially designed ingredients which function to remove stains. Chewing whitening gum after every meal will keep your teeth from becoming more stained.

Look at the directions on all of your products that whiten your teeth. Always follow the instructions; never stray from them. Avoid sensitivity and gingivitis by using teeth whitening products as recommended by the manufacturer. Stay away from drinks with acidic ingredients, such as sports drinks or sodas, after using a whitening product. This is an extra protective measure to ensure that no harmful reactions occur.

Everyone would like whiter teeth. Unfortunately, most people give up before they even get started. You can achieve a great smile in just a short time by taking advantage of the tips you have seen here.

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