This was the sec- ond house raised in the township. Mal- achi Clark continued to reside here for some years and then removed to Oska- loosa where he died. His son William removed from Kossuth county in or and is now living in Keokuk county this State. Almost at the same time that the Clarks made their settlement Hiram Wiltfong Reuben Purcell Philip Crose Thomas and John Robison selected land in this town- ship and settled down as pionee. Mulberry Sale UK Store bags rs and prospective farmers of Irvington town- ship. Reuben Purcell settled upon a portion of section at a place since called Pur- cells point. Here he built a log cabin the first in the township and lived for some little time. This farm upon which he settled is now a portion of the Albe Fife land. Hiram Wiltfong located near the .larks on section . The house he built here and. Mulberry UK Outlet buy cheap mulberry bags and handbags resided in was the third house erected in the township and is yet standing on the farm of William Carter HISTORY OF KOSSUTH COUNTY. where it is used as a granary or barn. Wiltfong was a queergenius and is chiefly noted For his sellingthe settlers seed corn which by the way he would take out of his crib of corn just gathered perhaps. He did not sta. Mulberry Sale Store mulberry bags sale online here long but strayed away after selling his claim. Philip Crose at first located upon the southwest quarter of section ! in Au- gust and here he erected his hum- ble cabin of logs. This historic building having outlasted the days of its useful- ness has been torn down and the mate- rial of which it was built used for fire wood. Mr. Grose sold out his clai. Mulberry Sale m a short time after his settlement to Janus Parnell of Indiana who had some idea of coming here to locate. In the spring of he Mr. Crose took another claim on t lie northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section where he is living to this day. Philip Crose son of Solomon and Fan- nie Campbell Crose was born Nov. - in Ohio. When quite young he left . Mulberry Bags sale Ohio and went with his father to Shawneetown III where he lived five years and then removed to Vigo Co Iud near Terre Haute. After living here a while lie moved to Tippecanoe Co Ind and lived with his father until he died in . He was married Jan to Mary Crouch born in Ross Co Ohio. They had seventeen children eleven of whom are living — John Syntha Sarah Abram Thompson James Joseph George Louisa Frank and Philip. Mr. Grose owns acres of fine land on sec- tions and having his residence on section Irvington township. Politi- cally he is a democrat. Mrs. Crose is a member of the M. E. Church. Thomas Robison remains upon his original claim. Thomas Robison son of William and Sa- rah Lane Robison was born Jan. near Shawneetown Gallatin Co. . When q