User talk:37zhengzhuzhu
been slain bearing that is the marks of asacrificial death The verbal thanksgiving accompanying the great act by which we show forth theLord s victorious passion compressed into short sentences in our common and proper prefaces was inthe older liturgies expanded at great length recounting the benefits of creation and redemption; it alwaysreached its climax in the anthem sung by all Holy,Holy Holy Lord Go. Ecouteur Beats by Dre Casques FR of Hosts Heaven and earthare full of Thy glory The history of the Gloria in Eoccelsis as wesing it its gradual expansion from the Angels songat our Saviour s birth and its adoption into theliturgy would be too long and hardly suitable forour present purpose Here it may suffice to say thatthe Scriptural sentence the Angels song prop. Monster Beats Casque beats pas cher vente er isthe only part of the hymn that is found in any Oriental altar service the remaining portions beingincorporated into Western liturgies at a later date but so well established was its use by the beginningof the tenth century that it was then frequently farsed with interpolations specially appropriateor considered so to . French Casques Beats by Dre pas cher Casques Beats by Dre particular festivals The Eucharistic use of the hymn points of course to thesacramental application of the benefits of the Incarnation Glory to God in the highest and on earthpeace good will towards men : That which the an USE OF HOLY SCRIPTUREgels proclaimed as the object of. Ecouteur FR Casque Beats pas cher the incarnation ofthe Redeemer we rejoice in as the result of His mission while we beg for mercy pardon and help fromthe exalted Lamb of God who by His intercessionand His bestowal of grace now taketh away the sinsof the world.c In the use of Scripture in the Eucharistic service we should note two peculiarities of the Anglicanrit. Ecouteur Beats by Dre Casques France the rehearsal of the Ten Commandments andthe Comfortable Words The first might perhaps be regarded by thosewho are bent on finding a precedent for every feature,as a fixed and constant lesson from the Law inwhich case our alternative of the Lord s summarywould be singularly out of place But there is noreason to suppose that this ancient precedent waspresent to the minds of those who inserted theDecalogue into the introductory part of the Orderfor the Administration of the Lord s Supper evidently with the idea of its serving as a helpful penitential preparation The ninefold Kyrie may havesuggested the use to which the repeated prayer formercy might be adapted About the need of explan In the ninth of Abp Peckham s Constitutions had ordered that in the Province